Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ok I just have to say as far as I know I love concerts to do make u warm all over. Now someone tell me that if u have never been to a concert that u don't feel the warmth all over ur body. The first thing u have to know is that is have to be a great concert. You tell me of a concert u went to and I will let u know if that was a good one. Just tell me the name of the concert singer and I will let u know if that singer is going to be a good or not. I just went to a concert at BILLY BOB'S TEXAS IN FORT WORTH ,TEXAS. To see Jerrod Niemann he was awsome and very nice. He gave a great show and I got his new CD before it went on sale on the Tuesday. And then of all things my b/f broke up with me. I'm really not mad at him I knew it was coming all along. But I do have a new boyfriend. I really don't have any concerts but maybe one like Sara Evans..
Well that all the time I have for now will write more later. God Bless U all.

Thank You