Monday, June 28, 2010

Seeing Vanilla Ice

Ok the last time I did a blog I told you about seeing Brooks and Dunn well now I'm telling you about another music artist I listened to when he was famuos. And well now he is making a come back. I has the pleasure to see him in concert on june the 26,2010. His name is VANILLA ICE. Some of you might remember him as the guy that sang a one hit wonder called ICE ICE BABY. Well seeing him was so awsome. I remember hearing the song for the first time and at first I didn't know what to think of it till I heard it again and again. Well it stuck in my head and I loved the song. Well I went there dry ok. Let me tell you that I didn't know what to think but that it would be a crazy concert. And I was right it was "CRAZY". Like I said I went there very dry and left there lets say I was "VERY WET". I even have one of his t-shirts my b/f bought me. I think I was the only one that did buy one of his t-shirts. Well to make a long story short now M.C.Hammer is next on the list of concerts to go to.
Hope u all enjoy the pic of VANILLA ICE I do have more on my facebook if u would like to go look just go to or pchism6.

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